Untrained Forced Alignment

Workshop at ICLDC 2019


Align a transcription and a recording
Generate a dictionary, or add new words to an existing dictionary
Replace ARPAbet with your original glyphs
Extract phonetic information from a wave file and an aligned TextGrid
Draw a vowel triangle from phonetic information

Software necessary for the workshop
Credits and workshop acknowledgments


This tool was developed for a workshop at the International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation 2019, organized by the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa. It was developed by Rolando Coto from Victoria University of Wellington, Samantha Wray from New York University Abu Dhabi, Sally Akevai Nicholas from Massey University and Tyler Peterson from Arizona State University. (Read here for the full credits of the components).

This tool is in development. For feedback and questions, please contact Rolando Coto.
Last updated: April 3rd, 2019.